By: Julia Therrien & Morgan Macklin
Our vision at Impact Society is a future where every youth is given the tools needed to live a flourishing life. But what exactly does that mean? This narrative stems from the framework used to measure the progress of youth participating in Heroes Programs. This framework is known as the Flourishing Life Questionnaire (FLQ) and was developed by Flourishing Life Technologies. The FLQ assesses student’s internal and external strengths in order to provide information about their resilience capacity.
In 2023, 407 students completed both the pre and post-FLQ assessments with the Heroes program, spanning 3 Alberta schools and 6 New Brunswick schools. This report will provide an overview of the FLQ and the average results found based on assessments of these Heroes participants.
what is the flourishing life framework?
The Flourishing Life Framework is derived from nearly 30 years of research based on principles of positive psychology. This framework centers on the importance of a strength-based approach to listening, understanding, and responding to each unique individual. The assessment tool is critical in measuring the impact of Heroes Programs on youth development in a scientifically proven way. The FLQ provides a questionnaire, individualized profiles, outcome reports, and more to better understand a student’s internal and external strengths as well as their resilience capacity.
terms to understand:
Internal strengths are social emotional assets that promote growth, healthy adjustment, and resilience
Self awareness, self care, self management, social awareness
External strengths provide support for youth, promoting healthy development and adjustment as well as resilience
home/life support, peer influence/support, learning influence/support, caregiver influence/support, community influence/support
Resilience capacity is the composition of both internal and external strengths that allows individuals to successfully take on adversity. This is critical in developing positive life outcomes.
Solidified Strength Capacity refers to an outcome of solidified understanding of a specified strength. Furthermore, it indicates an increased ability to draw upon said strength in an effective way to overcome challenges.
Note: The numbers in this report provide data on the solidified strength capacity of students following their participation in Heroes Programs.
breaking down the results
internal results
87% of students developed a solidified capacity for self-care
Self-care involves taking care of oneself physically, emotionally, and mentally in order to maintain overall well-being. It involves recognizing one's own needs and taking steps to meet them in a healthy and sustainable way. The Heroes Programs provide participants with self-care suggestions and teaches the importance of these practices for developing and sustaining positive mental and physical health.
84% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for self-awareness
Self-awareness refers to the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, as well as their impact on others. It involves being conscious of one's strengths and limitations and being able to accurately assess one's own performance. Heroes Programs teach self-awareness by enhancing youth’s understanding of their character, strengths, feelings, motives, and desires.
83% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for social-awareness
Social awareness refers to an individual's ability to perceive and understand the emotions, needs, and perspectives of others. Developing social awareness involves active listening and observation, and seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences. This is taught through Heroes by challenging youth to both learn and consider the perspectives of others.
external results
90% of students developed a solidified capacity for home life influence/support
Home life influence/support refers to the various ways in which a person's home environment affects their development, well-being and overall quality of life. As students become more attuned with their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours through Heroes, they may begin to open up to those within their home environment. This vulnerability can foster closer relationships that increase perceived support.
79% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for learning influence/support
Learning influence/support refers to the support and guidance that individuals receive in their academic or personal learning endeavors. It involves having access to resources and opportunities that help individuals achieve their learning goals and develop new skills and knowledge. This links to the Heroes Program as it promotes positive and supportive relationships and empowers participants to set goals and identify their passions.
75% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for peer influence/support
Peer influence/support refers to the impact that peers can have on one's attitudes, behaviors, and social interactions. It involves the influence that others have on decisions and actions, and the support that they provide in achieving one's goals and aspirations. Peer relationships are a key component of Heroes where youth are encouraged to seek out positive relationships and support systems while being mindful of their impact on those around them.
Overall, 86% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for resilience.
Students who possess this resilient growth mindset view challenging circumstances as a chance to experience growth. These young people are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. They recognize that failure and mistakes are lessons in life that make us stronger.
In conclusion, the Flourishing Life Framework has played a pivotal role in assessing the impact of Heroes Programs on youth development, providing valuable insights into their internal and external strengths, and their overall resilience capacity. The data from the 2023 Heroes FLQ assessments showcased that an impressive 86% of students developed a solidified strength capacity for resilience. This highlights the incredible impact of Heroes Programs in fostering self-care, self-awareness, social awareness, and building strong external support systems within home, learning, and peer environments. These results reinforce our vision of empowering every youth to live a flourishing life, equipped with the tools to overcome challenges and embrace growth.
want a deeper dive?
Take a look at the following reports for more specific results based on province and program!