create a lasting impact

your contribution helps provide the tools and support systems required for a student to experience the heroes program.

opportunities to give

  • We rely on the generosity of our donors to keep the Heroes program financially accessible to every student. With just $45, you can sponsor a student through the Heroes program and make a difference in their mental well-being today!

    Donate today and make a difference for life.

  • We invite you to Join the Journey – a community of monthly givers who believe in taking long-lasting preventative action through their donation dollars. Together, we can equip young people on their journey through adolescence by giving them tools that will elevate their mental well-being and set them up on a lifetime path to success.

    Join the Journey Here!

  • Join our latest fundraising campaign to help amplify your impact with the support of friends and family! With your help, it’s easy to fundraise for youth mental health and to provide access to Impact Society programs to all those who need it!

    Contact us about fundraising opportunities here!

donation breakdown

sponsorship opportunities

  • We collaborate closely with our esteemed community partners to create fully customizable strategies that enhance brand visibility and uncover fresh business opportunities in your area. Our comprehensive approach, encompassing events, promotions, and digital campaigns, ensures a unique and tailored experience for each partnership.

  • Our team is continually updating our Heroes programs based on the latest research. By sponsoring a region or chapter, you not only support our commitment to program improvement but also directly contribute to the positive impact these initiatives have on the community.

  • An individual or corporate-level campaign is a great way to get involved. You can establish an entirely personalized campaign to increase brand exposure, build positive business relationships, and support the youth in your community while doing so by raising funds for more students to take the Heroes program.

Heroes programs act as a preventative measure to provide the tools needed to navigate adversity before major before the downstream effects can cause harm.

“Much of the content in Heroes is absolutely foundational to social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and mental health. The worrisome truth is that it is rarely purposely taught in any other course. As educators, we often assume that young teenagers have the knowledge, wisdom and skills that are associated with being successful… This is where Heroes comes in.”

- Heroes Facilitator, Tammy P.