discover the impact of heroes

featuring a local heroes school

At Impact Society, we believe that the true measure of our success lies in the voices and experiences of those we serve. Recently, we had the privilege of sitting down with students and educators from one of our longest-standing Heroes schools to gather their invaluable feedback. These conversations revealed inspiring stories of personal growth, resilience, and community building, showcasing the profound impact our programs have on shaping young lives. From the students who discovered their inner strength to the educators who witnessed remarkable changes in their classrooms, their experiences underscore the importance of our mission to build resilient, confident, and purposeful youth. Join us as we delve into these inspiring stories and explore the lasting impact of the Heroes program on the lives of students and educators alike. Their feedback not only affirms the value of our work but also motivates us to continue empowering the next generation of leaders and changemakers.

listen to our educators

Join Heroes Educators Shane and Scott as they share their insightful experiences with the Heroes program in a heartfelt discussion. Shane and Scott delve into the various ways the program has positively impacted their students, highlighting personal stories and examples of growth and development.

They advocate for the profound changes they've witnessed through Heroes, emphasizing the program’s ability to empower students to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. Shane and Scott also reflect on their own journeys as educators within the program, sharing how Heroes has influenced their teaching practices and enhanced the overall classroom environment. Don’t miss their inspiring stories and gain a deeper understanding of the program’s significant impact on student well-being and personal growth.

the student perspective

Discover the inspiring journeys of three Heroes alumni—Ivy, Olivia, and Diamond—in our latest video.

Through engaging interviews, these students share how the Heroes program has profoundly impacted their lives, fostering confidence, resilience, and leadership skills. Ivy, Olivia, and Diamond discuss the biggest challenges youth face today and how the Heroes program supports them in overcoming these obstacles. They reflect on specific moments and experiences within the program that significantly influenced their personal growth and their relationships with peers and teachers. Hear how the skills and lessons learned through Heroes have been applied in their daily lives, helping them pursue their passions with integrity and purpose.

share your story

Do you have a story/memory from your experiences with the Heroes Program?

We’d love to hear it!