2022:annual report

about impact society

about impact society

1.2 million Canadian children are affected by mental illness yet less than 20% receive the appropriate treatment (Mental Health Commission of Canada).

Impact Society exists to address this gap. We encourage the development of resiliency and positive mental health from a young age to help youth lead a flourishing life. This takes a preventative approach that aims to get ahead of the mental health crisis among youth.



With our train the trainer approach, we can meet students where they are at. This ensures youth at any risk and background level are provided with the tools needed to develop positive mental health.

our programs


of health and life skills curriculum is met by HEROES programs in AB and NB

“An investment in Heroes is an investment in human potential.”

- Heroes Facilitator

2022 at a glance

we reached 6.1k students and 1.5k facilitators

we served 61 schools through 536 hours of training

we expanded by launching heroes2 and entering new brunswick


A recent study conducted by the University of Calgary by Dr. David Nordstokke and Ph.D. Student Claire McGuinness discovered that the Heroes program increases long-term resilience by an average of


This increase in resilience among youth results in:

  • Lower rates of depression and anxiety

  • Protection through adversity

  • Improved self-esteem

  • Problem-solving skills

  • Increased overall social-emotional strength


HEROES® Facilitator, 2022

“I just wanted to share about our “Thank You Card” campaign for the People Builder chapter! We gave the students each a thank you card and envelope and asked them to write a note to someone at the school who is a "people builder" to them. Everyone in the class completed the thank you cards and then we facilitators, delivered them. Many of the students wrote a note to the school librarian. She was so touched. Now she's paying it forward by emailing each of the parents of the students to tell them how amazing the students made her feel. Sometimes we don't share enough of the "good stuff" at school. Thanks for the opportunity!”

Looking Forward

where to next

  • By utilizing digitization and continuously improving our resources, we will be able to expand our reach to a wider audience.

  • We aspire to take actionable steps toward addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action.

  • Our plan is to implement a forum for program facilitators to provide improved support, communication, and clarity.

  • Impact Society wishes to expand to new countries to offer customized youth programs that meet specific needs.




youth in 2023

Impact Society thanks you for your unwavering support in our mission. Your contributions have enabled meaningful change to help thousands of students across Canada. Through your continued support, we are able to empower those in need.